哥特3 V1.6可用控制台
秘笈 效果
god 无敌
fullhealth 生命能量全满
spawn # 产生NPC、怪物等
spawn SH 出现指挥宫,可以给你主线剧情任务道具,钱,矿石,直接欣赏最后结局 (金钱一次就要个50W,以
idkfa 所有物品及技能变100
teach # 学会相应技能 如 teach LP number teach MP teach STR teach DEX等
teach all 学会所有技能,但点数都为0
give # 得到相应的物品 (列表在下面)
INSERT # 在物品栏加入特定事物
kill 杀死杀死杀死
Invisibility 隐身
goto # 直接传送到指定地点
teach STR 加近战
teach DEX 加远程
teach INT 加远古知识
teach SMT加锻造
teach ALC 加炼金
teach HP 加HP上限
teach MP 加MP上限
teach LP 加学习点数
代码 物品
It_1H_AncestorSword_01 Sword of the ancestors
It_1H_AssDagger_01 Assassinenmesser
It_1H_AssSword_01 Assassinenschwert
It_1H_BarbarianSword_01 Barbarian sword
It_1H_Bastardsword_01 Hybrid sword
It_1H_Broadsword_01 Broad sword
It_1H_Club_01 Club
It_1H_Crescent_01 Mondsichel
It_1H_ElBastardo_01 El Bastardo
It_1H_Epee_01 Sword
It_1H_FlameSword_01 Flame sword
It_1H_GreatSword_01 Large sword
It_1H_Iceblade_01 Ice blade
It_1H_Ingvar_Sword North march value
It_1H_Inquisitor_01 Inquisitor
It_1H_Katana_01 Katana
It_1H_Longsword_01 Long sword
It_1H_MasterSword_01 Master sword
It_1H_MiloksFirst_Sword_01 Krush Milok
It_1H_Moonblade_01 Moon blade
It_1H_OrcSlayer_01 Orkschl hter
It_1H_PaladinSword_01 Paladinschwert
It_1H_Rubyblade_01 Ruby blade
It_1H_Runesword_01 Rune sword
It_1H_Scimitar_01 Bent sword
It_1H_Sword_01 Sword
It_1H_Sword_01_OLD Barbarian sword
It_1H_Sword_02 Sword
It_1H_Sword_Broad_01 Broad sword
It_1H_Sword_Long_01 Long sword
It_1H_Sword_Long_02 Long sword
It_1H_Sword_Rhobar_01 King sword
It_1H_Sword_Rust_01 Rusty sword
It_1H_Wenzel_Sword_01 Wenzels sword
It_2H_AncestorMight_01 Power of the ancestors
It_2H_Axe_01 Controversy axe
It_2H_Axe_Double_01 Controversy axe
It_2H_Axe_Double_02 Doppelaxt
It_2H_Axe_Lumberjack Holzf leraxt
It_2H_Axe_Normal_01 Axe
It_2H_Axe_Rust_01 Rusty controversy axe
It_2H_Bak-Arash_Staff Schamanenstab
It_2H_BarbarianAxe_01 Barbarian controversy axe
It_2H_Bardiche_01 Beard axe
It_2H_BerserkerAxe_01 Berserker axe
It_2H_DemonSword_01 Demon Sword
It_2H_Executioner_01 Arranging sword
It_2H_GreatInquisitor_01 Grossinquisitor
It_2H_Halberd Hellebarde
It_2H_Halberd_01 Hellebarde
It_2H_HeavyClub_01 Heavy branch
It_2H_InnosWrath_01 Innos anger
It_2H_NailedClub_01 Nail club
It_2H_OgreMorningStar_01 Oger Morgenstern
It_2H_OrcAxe_01 Krush Pach
It_2H_OrcHalberd_01 Krush Tarach
It_2H_OrcSword_01 Krush Varok
It_2H_OrcWaraxe_01 Krush Agash
It_2H_OrderSword_01 Medal sword
It_2H_SpikedClub_01 Prick club
It_2H_Sword_01 Zweih der
It_2H_Sword_Bastard_01 Hybrid sword
It_2H_Sword_Old Rusty Zweih der
It_2H_Sword_Ore_01 Ore Zweih der
It_2H_Sword_Rust_01 Rusty Zweih der
It_2H_Waraxe_01 Battle hatchet
It_2H_Warhammer_01 War hammer
It_Axe_01 Controversy axe
It_Axe_BarbarianAxe_01 Barbarian controversy axe
It_Axe_Bardiche_01 Beard axe
It_Axe_BattleAxe_01 Controversy axe
It_Axe_BerserkerAxe_01 Berserker axe
It_Axe_BerserkerRageAxe_01 Berserkerzorn
It_Axe_HeavyClub_01 Heavy branch
It_Axe_NailedClub_01 Nail club
It_Axe_OgreMorningStar_01 Oger Morgenstern
It_Axe_OrcSword_01 Krush Varok
It_Axe_OrcSword_02 Krush Morok
It_Axe_OrcWaraxe_01 Krush Agash
It_Axe_Orc_01 Krush Pach
It_Axe_Rust_01 Rusty controversy axe
It_Axe_SpikedClub_01 Prick club
It_Axe_Waraxe_01 Battle hatchet
It_Axe_Warhammer_01 War hammer
It_BattleAxe_01 Controversy axe
It_Bow_01 bow
It_Bow_Army Army bow
It_Bow_Ass Assassinens Bow
It_Bow_Bone Bone bow
It_Bow_Composite Composite bow
It_Bow_Deathbringer Todbringer
It_Bow_Demon Demon Bow
It_Bow_Dragon Kite bow
It_Bow_Fight Combat bow
It_Bow_Horn Horn bow
It_Bow_Hunting Hunting bow
It_Bow_Long Long bow
It_Bow_Nimroder Nimroder
It_Bow_Oak Oak bow
It_Bow_OrcRipper Orkreisser
It_Bow_Ork Ork bow
It_Bow_Ranger Forest runner bow
It_Bow_Rune Rune bow
It_Bow_SilentDeath Quiet death
It_Bow_War War bow
It_Bow_WolfRipper Wolf bow
It_Crossbow_01 crossbow
It_Crossbow_BloodHarvest Blood harvest
It_Crossbow_Bounty Head hunter crossbow
It_Crossbow_Heavy Heavy crossbow
It_Crossbow_KrashMorra Krash Morra
It_Crossbow_Merc Mercenary crossbow
It_Crossbow_Nrd Nordmar crossbow
It_Crossbow_Orc Ork crossbow
It_Crossbow_Rhino Rhino crossbow
It_Crossbow_SlaveKiller Slave death
It_Crossbow_War War crossbow
It_Halberd_01 Hellebarde
It_Halberd_Orc_01 Krush Tarach
It_Irmak_2H_Halberd Krush Irmak
It_Staff Staff of the Eternal Wonderer
It_Staff_BladeStaff_01 Blade staff
It_Staff_Darkmage_01 Staff of darkness
It_Staff_Darkmage_02 Staff of Schwarzmagiers
It_Staff_Darkmage_03 Staff of death
It_Staff_Dominion_01 Staff of fire protection
It_Staff_Druid_01 Staff of nature
It_Staff_Fire Staff heat wave
It_Staff_Firemage_01 Staff of fire
It_Staff_Firemage_02 Staff of the FireMages
It_Staff_Firemage_03 Staff of the rule
It_Staff_FireProt_01 Staff of fire protection
It_Staff_Fire_01 Staff of the rule
It_Staff_Healing_01 Staff of the healing
It_Staff_Ice Staff frost wave
It_Staff_IceProt_01 Staff of the ice protection
It_Staff_JudgementStaff_01 Arranging staff
It_Staff_Lightning Staff shock wave
It_Staff_Magic Staff of the magic
It_Staff_MagicProt_01 Staff of the energy protection
It_Staff_Mana_01 Staff of the Zauberei
It_Staff_Mana_02 Staff of the magic
It_Staff_Mana_03 Staff of power
It_Staff_OrcShaman_01 Schamanenstab
It_Staff_Power Staff of power
It_Staff_Prot_01 Staff of the defense
It_Staff_Prot_02 Staff of the protection
It_Staff_Prot_03 Staff of invulnerability
It_Staff_Quarterstaff_01 Combat staff
It_Staff_Scythe_01 Scythe
It_Staff_Sorcery Staff of the Zauberei
It_Staff_Spear_01 Spear
It_Staff_Watermage_01 Staff of the water
It_Staff_Watermage_02 Staff of the WaterMages
It_Staff_Watermage_03 Staff of reconciliation
Arrow Arrow
BluntArrow Head nut-(Knockout Arrow?)
Bolt Pin
Bolt_Sharp Blade pin
ExplosiveArrow Blowing up arrow
FireArrow Fire arrow
Fist Fist
Mike_Arrow Arrow
Mike_Axe Axe
Mike_Bolt Pin
Mike_Bow bow
Mike_Crossbow crossbow
Mike_Staff Helebarde
Mike_Sword Sword
TrollFist Trollfaust
PoisonArrow Poison arrow
sMage Elite Assassinenr tung
Body_AssNovice Easy Assassinenr tung
Body_AssWarrior Assassinenr tung
Body_Babe_Myrtana_Peasant -
Body_Babe_Myrtana_Peasant_02 -
Body_Babe_Myrtana_Slave -
Body_Babe_Nrd_Peasant -
Body_Babe_Varant_Dance -
Body_Babe_Varant_Peasant -
Body_Babe_Varant_Slave -
Body_Druid Druidenrobe
Body_Firemage Fire robe
Body_Firemage_Dirty Fire robe
Body_Ghost -
Body_King Rhobars armament
Body_KingGuard Splendor armament
Body_Leather Leather gap
Body_MercElite Heavy Orks dner armament
Body_MercNovice Easy Orks dner armament
Body_MercNovice_02 Easy Orks dner armament
Body_Merc_Orcish Orkr tung
Body_Mercenary Orks dner armament
Body_Mercenary_02 Orks dner armament
Body_Nom_Elite_Outlaw Heavy Nomadenkleidung
Body_Nom_Novice_Outlaw Easy Nomadenkleidung
Body_Nom_Warrior_Outlaw Nomadenkleidung
Body_Nomad Nomadenkleidung
Body_NomadNovice Easy Nomadenkleidung
Body_NomadWarrior Heavy Nomadenkleidung
Body_NrdElite Heavy Nordmar armament
Body_NrdScout Easy Nordmar armament
Body_NrdWarrior Nordmar armament
Body_Nrd_Ancient -
Body_Out_Elite Bandit armament
Body_Out_Novice Bandit armament
Body_Out_Novice_02 Bandit armament
Body_Out_Warrior Bandit armament
Body_Out_Warrior_02 Bandit armament
Body_Paladin Paladin armament
Body_PaladinWounded -
Body_PaladinWounded_02 -
Body_PaladinWounded_03 -
Body_Paladin_02 Paladin armament
Body_Paladin_03 Paladin armament
Body_Peasant Farmer clothes
Body_Peasant_02 Farmer clothes
Body_Player Clothes
Body_Ranger Forest runner clothes
Body_RebBandit Easy rebel armament
Body_RebBandit_02 Easy rebel armament
Body_RebElite Heavy rebel armament
Body_RebWarrior Rebel armament
Body_RebWarrior_02 Rebel armament
Body_Slave Rag
Body_Watermage Water robe
Body_Xardas Blackmagierrobe
Body_Zuben Zubens armament
Fat_Body_AssTrader Clothes
Fat_Body_AssTrader_02 -
Fat_Body_Cook -
Fat_Body_NrdElite -
Fat_Body_Slave -
Fat_Body_Smith -
It_Armor_Ass_H Elite Assassinenr tung
It_Armor_Ass_L Easy Assassinenr tung
It_Armor_Ass_M Assassinenr tung
It_Armor_Druid Druidenrobe
It_Armor_KDF Fire robe
It_Armor_KDW Water robe
It_Armor_Leather Leather gap
It_Armor_Merc_H Heavy Orks dner armament
It_Armor_Merc_L Light Orks dner armament
It_Armor_Merc_M Orks dner armament
It_Armor_Nom_H Heavy Nomadenkleidung
It_Armor_Nom_L Easy Nomadenkleidung
It_Armor_Nom_M Nomadenkleidung
It_Armor_Nrd_H Heavy Nordmar armament
It_Armor_Nrd_L Easy Nordmar armament
It_Armor_Nrd_M Nordmar armament
It_Armor_Paladin Paladin Armor
It_Armor_Peasant Farmer clothes
It_Armor_Ranger Forest runner clothes
It_Armor_Reb_H Heavy rebel armament
It_Armor_Reb_L Light/Easy rebel armament
It_Armor_Reb_M Rebel armament
It_Armor_Rhobar Rhobars armament
It_Armor_RoyalGuard Splendor armament
It_Armor_Xardas Blackmagierrobe
It_Armor_Zuben Zubens armament
It_Helmet_Crown_01 The crown of Myrtana
It_Helmet_Guard_01 Guard helmet
It_Helmet_HeavyTurban_01 Magnificent Turban
It_Helmet_Horn_01 Horn helmet
It_Helmet_Leather_01 Leather helmet
It_Helmet_Leather_02 Leather helmet
It_Helmet_LightHorn_01 More easily horn helmet
It_Helmet_LightLeather_01 More easily leather helmet
It_Helmet_LightMerc_01 More easily mercenary helmet
It_Helmet_Merc_01 Mercenary helmet
It_Helmet_Turban_01 Turban
哥特3 V1.6可用控制台
秘笈 效果
god 无敌
fullhealth 生命能量全满
spawn # 产生NPC、怪物等
spawn SH 出现指挥宫,可以给你主线剧情任务道具,钱,矿石,直接欣赏最后结局 (金钱一次就要个50W,以
idkfa 所有物品及技能变100
teach # 学会相应技能 如 teach LP number teach MP teach STR teach DEX等
teach all 学会所有技能,但点数都为0
give # 得到相应的物品 (列表在下面)
INSERT # 在物品栏加入特定事物
kill 杀死杀死杀死
Invisibility 隐身
goto # 直接传送到指定地点
teach STR 加近战
teach DEX 加远程
teach INT 加远古知识
teach SMT加锻造
teach ALC 加炼金
teach HP 加HP上限
teach MP 加MP上限
teach LP 加学习点数
代码 物品
It_1H_AncestorSword_01 Sword of the ancestors
It_1H_AssDagger_01 Assassinenmesser
It_1H_AssSword_01 Assassinenschwert
It_1H_BarbarianSword_01 Barbarian sword
It_1H_Bastardsword_01 Hybrid sword
It_1H_Broadsword_01 Broad sword
It_1H_Club_01 Club
It_1H_Crescent_01 Mondsichel
It_1H_ElBastardo_01 El Bastardo
It_1H_Epee_01 Sword
It_1H_FlameSword_01 Flame sword
It_1H_GreatSword_01 Large sword
It_1H_Iceblade_01 Ice blade
It_1H_Ingvar_Sword North march value
It_1H_Inquisitor_01 Inquisitor
It_1H_Katana_01 Katana
It_1H_Longsword_01 Long sword
It_1H_MasterSword_01 Master sword
It_1H_MiloksFirst_Sword_01 Krush Milok
It_1H_Moonblade_01 Moon blade
It_1H_OrcSlayer_01 Orkschl hter
It_1H_PaladinSword_01 Paladinschwert
It_1H_Rubyblade_01 Ruby blade
It_1H_Runesword_01 Rune sword
It_1H_Scimitar_01 Bent sword
It_1H_Sword_01 Sword
It_1H_Sword_01_OLD Barbarian sword
It_1H_Sword_02 Sword
It_1H_Sword_Broad_01 Broad sword
It_1H_Sword_Long_01 Long sword
It_1H_Sword_Long_02 Long sword
It_1H_Sword_Rhobar_01 King sword
It_1H_Sword_Rust_01 Rusty sword
It_1H_Wenzel_Sword_01 Wenzels sword
It_2H_AncestorMight_01 Power of the ancestors
It_2H_Axe_01 Controversy axe
It_2H_Axe_Double_01 Controversy axe
It_2H_Axe_Double_02 Doppelaxt
It_2H_Axe_Lumberjack Holzf leraxt
It_2H_Axe_Normal_01 Axe
It_2H_Axe_Rust_01 Rusty controversy axe
It_2H_Bak-Arash_Staff Schamanenstab
It_2H_BarbarianAxe_01 Barbarian controversy axe
It_2H_Bardiche_01 Beard axe
It_2H_BerserkerAxe_01 Berserker axe
It_2H_DemonSword_01 Demon Sword
It_2H_Executioner_01 Arranging sword
It_2H_GreatInquisitor_01 Grossinquisitor
It_2H_Halberd Hellebarde
It_2H_Halberd_01 Hellebarde
It_2H_HeavyClub_01 Heavy branch
It_2H_InnosWrath_01 Innos anger
It_2H_NailedClub_01 Nail club
It_2H_OgreMorningStar_01 Oger Morgenstern
It_2H_OrcAxe_01 Krush Pach
It_2H_OrcHalberd_01 Krush Tarach
It_2H_OrcSword_01 Krush Varok
It_2H_OrcWaraxe_01 Krush Agash
It_2H_OrderSword_01 Medal sword
It_2H_SpikedClub_01 Prick club
It_2H_Sword_01 Zweih der
It_2H_Sword_Bastard_01 Hybrid sword
It_2H_Sword_Old Rusty Zweih der
It_2H_Sword_Ore_01 Ore Zweih der
It_2H_Sword_Rust_01 Rusty Zweih der
It_2H_Waraxe_01 Battle hatchet
It_2H_Warhammer_01 War hammer
It_Axe_01 Controversy axe
It_Axe_BarbarianAxe_01 Barbarian controversy axe
It_Axe_Bardiche_01 Beard axe
It_Axe_BattleAxe_01 Controversy axe
It_Axe_BerserkerAxe_01 Berserker axe
It_Axe_BerserkerRageAxe_01 Berserkerzorn
It_Axe_HeavyClub_01 Heavy branch
It_Axe_NailedClub_01 Nail club
It_Axe_OgreMorningStar_01 Oger Morgenstern
It_Axe_OrcSword_01 Krush Varok
It_Axe_OrcSword_02 Krush Morok
It_Axe_OrcWaraxe_01 Krush Agash
It_Axe_Orc_01 Krush Pach
It_Axe_Rust_01 Rusty controversy axe
It_Axe_SpikedClub_01 Prick club
It_Axe_Waraxe_01 Battle hatchet
It_Axe_Warhammer_01 War hammer
It_BattleAxe_01 Controversy axe
It_Bow_01 bow
It_Bow_Army Army bow
It_Bow_Ass Assassinens Bow
It_Bow_Bone Bone bow
It_Bow_Composite Composite bow
It_Bow_Deathbringer Todbringer
It_Bow_Demon Demon Bow
It_Bow_Dragon Kite bow
It_Bow_Fight Combat bow
It_Bow_Horn Horn bow
It_Bow_Hunting Hunting bow
It_Bow_Long Long bow
It_Bow_Nimroder Nimroder
It_Bow_Oak Oak bow
It_Bow_OrcRipper Orkreisser
It_Bow_Ork Ork bow
It_Bow_Ranger Forest runner bow
It_Bow_Rune Rune bow
It_Bow_SilentDeath Quiet death
It_Bow_War War bow
It_Bow_WolfRipper Wolf bow
It_Crossbow_01 crossbow
It_Crossbow_BloodHarvest Blood harvest
It_Crossbow_Bounty Head hunter crossbow
It_Crossbow_Heavy Heavy crossbow
It_Crossbow_KrashMorra Krash Morra
It_Crossbow_Merc Mercenary crossbow
It_Crossbow_Nrd Nordmar crossbow
It_Crossbow_Orc Ork crossbow
It_Crossbow_Rhino Rhino crossbow
It_Crossbow_SlaveKiller Slave death
It_Crossbow_War War crossbow
It_Halberd_01 Hellebarde
It_Halberd_Orc_01 Krush Tarach
It_Irmak_2H_Halberd Krush Irmak
It_Staff Staff of the Eternal Wonderer
It_Staff_BladeStaff_01 Blade staff
It_Staff_Darkmage_01 Staff of darkness
It_Staff_Darkmage_02 Staff of Schwarzmagiers
It_Staff_Darkmage_03 Staff of death
It_Staff_Dominion_01 Staff of fire protection
It_Staff_Druid_01 Staff of nature
It_Staff_Fire Staff heat wave
It_Staff_Firemage_01 Staff of fire
It_Staff_Firemage_02 Staff of the FireMages
It_Staff_Firemage_03 Staff of the rule
It_Staff_FireProt_01 Staff of fire protection
It_Staff_Fire_01 Staff of the rule
It_Staff_Healing_01 Staff of the healing
It_Staff_Ice Staff frost wave
It_Staff_IceProt_01 Staff of the ice protection
It_Staff_JudgementStaff_01 Arranging staff
It_Staff_Lightning Staff shock wave
It_Staff_Magic Staff of the magic
It_Staff_MagicProt_01 Staff of the energy protection
It_Staff_Mana_01 Staff of the Zauberei
It_Staff_Mana_02 Staff of the magic
It_Staff_Mana_03 Staff of power
It_Staff_OrcShaman_01 Schamanenstab
It_Staff_Power Staff of power
It_Staff_Prot_01 Staff of the defense
It_Staff_Prot_02 Staff of the protection
It_Staff_Prot_03 Staff of invulnerability
It_Staff_Quarterstaff_01 Combat staff
It_Staff_Scythe_01 Scythe
It_Staff_Sorcery Staff of the Zauberei
It_Staff_Spear_01 Spear
It_Staff_Watermage_01 Staff of the water
It_Staff_Watermage_02 Staff of the WaterMages
It_Staff_Watermage_03 Staff of reconciliation
Arrow Arrow
BluntArrow Head nut-(Knockout Arrow?)
Bolt Pin
Bolt_Sharp Blade pin
ExplosiveArrow Blowing up arrow
FireArrow Fire arrow
Fist Fist
Mike_Arrow Arrow
Mike_Axe Axe
Mike_Bolt Pin
Mike_Bow bow
Mike_Crossbow crossbow
Mike_Staff Helebarde
Mike_Sword Sword
TrollFist Trollfaust
PoisonArrow Poison arrow
sMage Elite Assassinenr tung
Body_AssNovice Easy Assassinenr tung
Body_AssWarrior Assassinenr tung
Body_Babe_Myrtana_Peasant -
Body_Babe_Myrtana_Peasant_02 -
Body_Babe_Myrtana_Slave -
Body_Babe_Nrd_Peasant -
Body_Babe_Varant_Dance -
Body_Babe_Varant_Peasant -
Body_Babe_Varant_Slave -
Body_Druid Druidenrobe
Body_Firemage Fire robe
Body_Firemage_Dirty Fire robe
Body_Ghost -
Body_King Rhobars armament
Body_KingGuard Splendor armament
Body_Leather Leather gap
Body_MercElite Heavy Orks dner armament
Body_MercNovice Easy Orks dner armament
Body_MercNovice_02 Easy Orks dner armament
Body_Merc_Orcish Orkr tung
Body_Mercenary Orks dner armament
Body_Mercenary_02 Orks dner armament
Body_Nom_Elite_Outlaw Heavy Nomadenkleidung
Body_Nom_Novice_Outlaw Easy Nomadenkleidung
Body_Nom_Warrior_Outlaw Nomadenkleidung
Body_Nomad Nomadenkleidung
Body_NomadNovice Easy Nomadenkleidung
Body_NomadWarrior Heavy Nomadenkleidung
Body_NrdElite Heavy Nordmar armament
Body_NrdScout Easy Nordmar armament
Body_NrdWarrior Nordmar armament
Body_Nrd_Ancient -
Body_Out_Elite Bandit armament
Body_Out_Novice Bandit armament
Body_Out_Novice_02 Bandit armament
Body_Out_Warrior Bandit armament
Body_Out_Warrior_02 Bandit armament
Body_Paladin Paladin armament
Body_PaladinWounded -
Body_PaladinWounded_02 -
Body_PaladinWounded_03 -
Body_Paladin_02 Paladin armament
Body_Paladin_03 Paladin armament
Body_Peasant Farmer clothes
Body_Peasant_02 Farmer clothes
Body_Player Clothes
Body_Ranger Forest runner clothes
Body_RebBandit Easy rebel armament
Body_RebBandit_02 Easy rebel armament
Body_RebElite Heavy rebel armament
Body_RebWarrior Rebel armament
Body_RebWarrior_02 Rebel armament
Body_Slave Rag
Body_Watermage Water robe
Body_Xardas Blackmagierrobe
Body_Zuben Zubens armament
Fat_Body_AssTrader Clothes
Fat_Body_AssTrader_02 -
Fat_Body_Cook -
Fat_Body_NrdElite -
Fat_Body_Slave -
Fat_Body_Smith -
It_Armor_Ass_H Elite Assassinenr tung
It_Armor_Ass_L Easy Assassinenr tung
It_Armor_Ass_M Assassinenr tung
It_Armor_Druid Druidenrobe
It_Armor_KDF Fire robe
It_Armor_KDW Water robe
It_Armor_Leather Leather gap
It_Armor_Merc_H Heavy Orks dner armament
It_Armor_Merc_L Light Orks dner armament
It_Armor_Merc_M Orks dner armament
It_Armor_Nom_H Heavy Nomadenkleidung
It_Armor_Nom_L Easy Nomadenkleidung
It_Armor_Nom_M Nomadenkleidung
It_Armor_Nrd_H Heavy Nordmar armament
It_Armor_Nrd_L Easy Nordmar armament
It_Armor_Nrd_M Nordmar armament
It_Armor_Paladin Paladin Armor
It_Armor_Peasant Farmer clothes
It_Armor_Ranger Forest runner clothes
It_Armor_Reb_H Heavy rebel armament
It_Armor_Reb_L Light/Easy rebel armament
It_Armor_Reb_M Rebel armament
It_Armor_Rhobar Rhobars armament
It_Armor_RoyalGuard Splendor armament
It_Armor_Xardas Blackmagierrobe
It_Armor_Zuben Zubens armament
It_Helmet_Crown_01 The crown of Myrtana
It_Helmet_Guard_01 Guard helmet
It_Helmet_HeavyTurban_01 Magnificent Turban
It_Helmet_Horn_01 Horn helmet
It_Helmet_Leather_01 Leather helmet
It_Helmet_Leather_02 Leather helmet
It_Helmet_LightHorn_01 More easily horn helmet
It_Helmet_LightLeather_01 More easily leather helmet
It_Helmet_LightMerc_01 More easily mercenary helmet
It_Helmet_Merc_01 Mercenary helmet
It_Helmet_Turban_01 Turban
It_Shield_Knight_01 Knight sign
It_Shield_Leather_01 Leather sign
It_Shield_Paladin_01 Paladinschild
It_Shield_Rhobar_01 Kigsschiild
It_Shield_Round_01 Rundschild
It_Shield_Rune_01 Rune sign
It_Shield_Skull_01 Head sign
It_Shield_Tower_01 Sign
It_Shield_Wood_01 Wood sign
It_Shield_Wood_02 Wood sign
It_Shield_Wood_03 Wood sign
It_Shield_Wood_04 Wood sign
It_Shield_Wood_05 Wood sign
It_Shield_Wood_06 Wood sign
It_Shield_Wood_07 Wood sign
Mike_Shield Sign
It_Am_Assassin_01 Amulett of the Assassinen
It_Am_DEX_01 Amulett of the hunter
It_Am_Druid_01 Amulett of the Druiden
It_Am_HP_01 Amulett of the vitality
It_Am_Hunter_01 Amulett of the hunter
It_Am_Jaeger_02 Amulett of the concentration
It_Am_Jaeger_03 Amulett of the hunter
It_Am_Krieger_01 Amulett Kraft
It_Am_Krieger_02 Amulett of the honour
It_Am_Krieger_03 Amulett of the Warriors/Soldiers
It_Am_Mage_01 Magieramulett
It_Am_Magier_01 Amulett of the knowledge
It_Am_Magier_02 Amulett of the Zauberei
It_Am_Magier_03 Amulett of the Magiers
It_Am_MP_01 Amulett of the magic
It_Am_Paladin_01 Amulett of the Paladins
It_Am_Priester_01 Amulett of the faith
It_Am_Priester_02 Amulett that became
It_Am_Priester_03 Amulett of the priest
It_Am_Prot_Edge_01 Amulett of the defense
It_Am_Prot_Edge_02 Amulett of the masterful protection
It_Am_Prot_Edge_03 Harnischamulett
It_Am_Prot_Edge_04 Amulett of the iron skin
It_Am_Prot_Fire_01 Amulett of the fire protection
It_Am_Prot_Ice_01 Amulett of the ice protection
It_Am_Prot_Lightning_01 Amulett of the energy defense
It_Am_Prot_Missile_01 Amulett of the projectile defense
It_Am_SP_01 Amulett of the perseverance
It_Am_STR_01 Amulett of the strength
It_Am_Thief_01 Diebesamulett
It_Am_Warrior_01 Amulett of the Kriegers
It_Artefact_Amulet Amulett of the G鰐tlichkeit
It_Ramon_Amulet Ramons Amulett
It_Recipe_2Handed Zweih der
It_Recipe_2HandedOre Ore Zweih der
It_Recipe_Alligator Crocodile
It_Recipe_AncestorMight Power of the ancestors
It_Recipe_AncestorSword Sword of the ancestors
It_Recipe_Bastardsword Hybrid sword
It_Recipe_Bison Bison
It_Recipe_Bloodfly Blood fly
It_Recipe_BluntArrow Prescription head nut
It_Recipe_Boar Wild pig
It_Recipe_Booze_1 Liquor
It_Recipe_Booze_2 Liquor
It_Recipe_Booze_3 Booze
It_Recipe_Booze_Nrd Nordmarer nebula spirit
It_Recipe_Broadsword Broad sword
It_Recipe_CureDisease Weakness heal
It_Recipe_CurePoison Gegengift
It_Recipe_Deadly Deadly poison
It_Recipe_DEX Drink of the hunt
It_Recipe_ElBastardo El Bastardo
It_Recipe_ExplosiveArrow Prescription blowing up arrow
It_Recipe_FireArrow Prescription fire arrow
It_Recipe_Firewaran Feuerwaran
It_Recipe_Fire_1 Liquid fire
It_Recipe_Fire_2 Liquid fire
It_Recipe_Health_1 Heal-climb from healing plants
It_Recipe_Health_2 Heal-climb from sun herb
It_Recipe_Health_3 Heal-climb from welfare roots
It_Recipe_Health_4 Heal-climb from forest berries
It_Recipe_HPMax Drink of the vitality
It_Recipe_Lion Lion
It_Recipe_Longsword Long sword
It_Recipe_Lurker Lurker
It_Recipe_Mana_1 Manatrank from Manapflanzen
It_Recipe_Mana_2 Manatrank from Feuernesseln
It_Recipe_Mana_3 Manatrank from charm roots
It_Recipe_Mana_4 Manatrank from Morgentau
It_Recipe_MasterSword Master sword
It_Recipe_MC Minecrawler
It_Recipe_Meatbug Meat bug
It_Recipe_Meatbugragout Fleischwanzenragout
It_Recipe_MPMax Drink of the concentration
It_Recipe_NrdSword North march value Sword
It_Recipe_PoisonArrow Prescription poison arrow
It_Recipe_Poison_1 The poison is won from a Giftblase.
It_Recipe_Poison_2 The poison is won from Waranzungen
It_Recipe_Poison_3 Poison from the pricks of the blood fly
It_Recipe_Rhino Nashorn
It_Recipe_Rubyblade Ruby blade
It_Recipe_Runesword Rune sword
It_Recipe_Sabertooth Sword tooth
It_Recipe_Scavenger Scavenger
It_Recipe_Shadowbeast Shade runner
It_Recipe_Snapper Snapper
It_Recipe_SPMax Drink of the perseverance
It_Recipe_Stamina_1 Persevere-climb
It_Recipe_Stamina_2 Persevere-climb
It_Recipe_Stew Pot
It_Recipe_Stollengrollen Stoll close roles
It_Recipe_STR Drink of the strength
It_Recipe_SwampLurker Sump lurker
It_Recipe_Waran Waran
It_Recipe_Wolf Wolf
It_Perk_1H1H_1 Fight with two blade
It_Perk_1H1H_2 Master of the two blade
It_Perk_1H_1 Sword fighter
It_Perk_1H_2 Strong sword fighter
It_Perk_1H_3 Sword master
It_Perk_Acrobatic Akrobatik
It_Perk_Assassin Meucheln
It_Perk_Axe_1 Large weapons
It_Perk_Axe_2 Large weapons II
It_Perk_Axe_3 Large weapons III
It_Perk_Barter Feil
It_Perk_Bow_1 Elbow
It_Perk_Bow_2 Elbow contactor
It_Perk_Bow_3 Master contactor
It_Perk_Crossbow_1 Heavy arm chest
It_Perk_Crossbow_2 Arm chest contactor
It_Perk_Crossbow_3 Master contactor
It_Perk_Darkmage Schwarzmagier
It_Perk_DeadlyArrow Deadly arrows manufacture
It_Perk_Druid Druide
It_Perk_Excuse Rausreden
It_Perk_ExplosiveArrow Explosion arrows manufacture
It_Perk_FireArrow Fire arrows manufacture
It_Perk_Firemage Feuermagier
It_Perk_HeavyArmor Arms improve
It_Perk_Hunter_1 Game hunter
It_Perk_Hunter_2 Large game hunter
It_Perk_ImmuneToDisease Weakness resistance
It_Perk_ImmuneToPoison Poison resistance
It_Perk_JumpAttack -
It_Perk_KnockOut Strike down
It_Perk_Learn Fast learning
It_Perk_LightArmor Robes improve
It_Perk_LockPick_1 Simple locks crack
It_Perk_LockPick_2 Heavy locks crack
It_Perk_LockPick_3 Impossible locks crack
It_Perk_MasterGladiator Regeneration
It_Perk_MasterMage One acre generation
It_Perk_MasterThief Master thief
It_Perk_Mining Sch fer
It_Perk_OrcHunter Orkj er
It_Perk_OrcSlayer Orkt er
It_Perk_Orcslayer Orkt er
It_Perk_Paladin Paladin
It_Perk_PickPocket_1 Simple pick-pocketing
It_Perk_PickPocket_2 Heavy pick-pocketing
It_Perk_PickPocket_3 Impossible pick-pocketing
It_Perk_PoisonArrow Poison arrows manufacture
It_Perk_PoisonBlade Blade poison
It_Perk_PotionDangerous Dangerous watering places
It_Perk_PotionHP Welfare watering places brew
It_Perk_PotionMP Manatr ke brew
It_Perk_PotionPerm Watering place with permanent effect
It_Perk_PotionPoison Poison manufacture
It_Perk_PotionTransform Conversion watering places brew
It_Perk_ResistCold Resistance against cold weather
It_Perk_ResistHeat Resistance against heat
It_Perk_SharpenBlade Blade sharpen
It_Perk_Shield_1 Sign parade
It_Perk_Shield_2 Strong sign parade
It_Perk_Smith_1 Forge
It_Perk_Smith_2 Ore weapons schmieden
It_Perk_Smith_3 Weapons from pure ore schmieden
It_Perk_Sneak_1 Creep
It_Perk_Sneak_2 Sound-loose hunter
It_Perk_Sprinter Perseverance of the wolf
It_Perk_StaffMagic Magic staffs
It_Perk_StaffParade Magic staffs
It_Perk_Staff_1 Staff fight
It_Perk_Staff_2 Staff fight II
It_Perk_Staff_3 Staff fight III
It_Perk_TrophyFur Animal skins take
It_Perk_TrophySkin Reptile skins take
It_Perk_TrophyTeeth Teeth, claws and horns
It_Perk_Watermage Wassermagier
It_Plant_Alligator Blutschilf
It_Plant_Booze Liquor berry
It_Plant_Booze_Snow Liquor berry
It_Plant_Cactus Kaktusble
It_Plant_DemonMush Donenpilz
It_Plant_DemonMush_Snow Donenpilz
It_Plant_DEX Goblinbeere
It_Plant_DEX_Snow Goblinbeere
It_Plant_DruidStone Stone root
It_Plant_Health Welfare plant
It_Plant_HealthPerm Kings Sorrel herb
It_Plant_HealthPerm_Snow Kings Sorrel herb
It_Plant_Health_02 Sun herb
It_Plant_Health_02_Snow Sun herb
It_Plant_Health_03 Welfare root
It_Plant_Health_03_Snow Welfare root
It_Plant_Health_04 Forest berry
It_Plant_Health_04_Snow Forest berry
It_Plant_Health_Snow Welfare plant
It_Plant_Lion King thistle
It_Plant_Mana Manapflanze
It_Plant_ManaPerm Flame berry
It_Plant_ManaPerm_Snow Flame berry
It_Plant_Mana_02 Feuernessel
It_Plant_Mana_02_Snow Feuernessel
It_Plant_Mana_03 Charm root
It_Plant_Mana_03_Snow Charm root
It_Plant_Mana_04 Morgentau
It_Plant_Mana_04_Snow Morgentau
It_Plant_Mana_Snow Manapflanze
It_Plant_Perm_01 Kronstkel
It_Plant_Perm_01_Snow Kronstkel
It_Plant_ShapeMush Strange mushroom
It_Plant_ShapeMush_Snow Strange mushroom
It_Plant_Snapper Snapperroot
It_Plant_Stamina Ogerblatt
It_Plant_Stamina_01 Ogerblatt
It_Plant_Stamina_01_Snow Ogerblatt
It_Plant_Stamina_02 Iron stem
It_Plant_Stamina_02_Snow I ron stem
It_Plant_STAPerm Harnischkraut
It_Plant_STAPerm_Snow Harnischkraut
It_Plant_StoneNettle Felsnessel
It_Plant_StoneNettle_Snow Felsnessel
It_Plant_STR Kite root
It_Plant_STR_Snow Kite root
It_Plant_SwampWeed Sump herb
It_Plant_ToadMush Krenwurz
It_Plant_ToadMush_Snow Krenwurz
It_Plant_Trelott Staudenlobelie
It_Plant_Wolf Wolf herb
It_Plant_Wolf_Snow Wolf herb
It_DruidStone_Lion Druidenstein of the lion
It_DruidStone_Lurker Druidenstein lurker
It_DruidStone_Ripper Druidenstein of the Rippers
It_DruidStone_Ripper_Broken Destroyed Druidenstein
It_DruidStone_Shadowbeast Druidenstein of the shade runner
It_DruidStone_Snapper Druidenstein of the Snappers
It_DruidStone_Waran Druidenstein be to
It_DruidStone_Wolf Druidenstein of the wolf
It_Scroll_ALC_01 Alchemie I
It_Scroll_AnimalForm Animal shape
It_Scroll_ArmyOfDarkness Army of the darkness
It_Scroll_BanishVermin Drive out
It_Scroll_BlessWeapon Weapon benediction
It_Scroll_Bloodlust Blood intoxication
It_Scroll_CallAnimals Animals call
It_Scroll_Charm Forgotten
It_Scroll_CureDisease Strengths
It_Scroll_CurePoison Poisoning heal
It_Scroll_DestroyEvil Bad destroy
It_Scroll_Disease Weaknesses
It_Scroll_DuskToDawn Night to day
It_Scroll_Fear Fright
It_Scroll_Fireball Fire ball
It_Scroll_Firerain Fire rain
It_Scroll_Flamesword Flame sword call
It_Scroll_FrostWave Ice wave
It_Scroll_Hailstorm Hail tower
It_Scroll_Heal Heal
It_Scroll_Healing Healing
It_Scroll_HealOther Remote healing
It_Scroll_HeatWave Flame wave
It_Scroll_Icelance Ice lance
It_Scroll_INT_01 Old scroll
It_Scroll_Light Light
It_Scroll_Lightningbolt Thunderbolt
It_Scroll_Meteor Meteor
It_Scroll_Mist Fog
It_Scroll_OpenLocks Locks open
It_Scroll_Poison Poison
It_Scroll_Refresh -
It_Scroll_Resurrect -
It_Scroll_ShockWave Energy field
It_Scroll_Sleep Sleep
It_Scroll_SoulTravel Soul migration
It_Scroll_SpiritLink Spirit contact
It_Scroll_SummonDemon Don swore to
It_Scroll_SummonGoblin Goblin swore to
It_Scroll_SummonGolem GOLEM swore to
It_Scroll_SummonImp Skeleton swore to
It_Scroll_SummonLightning Lightning swore to
It_Scroll_SummonSkeleton Skeleton swore to
It_Scroll_TameAnimal Animal zmen
It_Scroll_Telekinesis Telekinese
It_Scroll_TimeBubble Time blister
It_Scroll_WordOfControl Word of the rule
It_Spell_AnimalForm Animal shape
It_Spell_ArmyOfDarkness Army of the darkness
It_Spell_BanishVermin Drive out
It_Spell_BlessWeapon Weapon benediction
It_Spell_Bloodlust Blood intoxication
It_Spell_CallAnimals Animals call
It_Spell_Charm Forgotten
It_Spell_CureDisease Strengths
It_Spell_CurePoison Poisoning heal
It_Spell_DestroyEvil Bad destroy
It_Spell_Disease Weaknesses
It_Spell_DuskToDawn Night to day
It_Spell_Fear Fright
It_Spell_Fireball Fire ball
It_Spell_Firerain Fire rain
It_Spell_Flamesword Flame sword call
It_Spell_FrostWave Ice wave
It_Spell_Hailstorm Hail tower
It_Spell_Heal Heal
It_Spell_Healing Healing
It_Spell_HealOther Remote healing
It_Spell_HeatWave Flame wave
It_Spell_IceBomb Ice explosion
It_Spell_Icelance Ice lance
It_Spell_Light Light
It_Spell_Lightningbolt Thunderbolt
It_Spell_Meteor Meteor
It_Spell_Mist Fog
It_Spell_OpenLocks Locks open
It_Spell_Poison Poison
It_Spell_Refresh Erfri
It_Spell_Resurrect Revival
It_Spell_ShockWave Shock wave
It_Spell_Sleep Sleep
It_Spell_SoulTravel Soul migration
It_Spell_SpiritLink Spirit contact
It_Spell_SummonDemon Don swore to
It_Spell_SummonGoblin Goblin swore to
It_Spell_SummonGolem GOLEM swore to
It_Spell_SummonImp Skeleton swore to
It_Spell_SummonLightning Lightning swore to
It_Spell_SummonSkeleton Skeleton swore to
It_Spell_TameAnimal Zmen
It_Spell_Telekinesis Telekinese
It_Spell_TimeBubble Time blister
It_Spell_WordOfControl Word of the rule
It_Am_Jaeger_01 Ring of the perseverance
It_Artefact_Ring_01 Adanos' ring
It_Artefact_Ring_02 Adanos' ring
It_Artefact_Ring_Geldern Old Alchemistenring
It_Ring_DEX_01 Ring of the hunt
It_Ring_HP_01 Ring health
It_Ring_Missile_01 Ring of the arrow defense
It_Ring_MP_01 Ring of the magic
It_Ring_Prot_Combat_01 Protection ring of the fight
It_Ring_Prot_Edge_01 Weapon protection ring
It_Ring_Prot_Edge_02 Ring of the defense
It_Ring_Prot_Fire_01 Fire protection ring
It_Ring_Prot_Ice_01 Ice protection ring
It_Ring_Prot_LIGHTNING_01 Ring of the energy defense
It_Ring_Prot_Lightning_01 Ring of the energy defense
It_Ring_Prot_Magic_01 Protection ring of the magic
It_Ring_Prot_Missile_01 Ring of the arrow defense
It_Ring_SP_01 Ring of the perseverance
It_Ring_STR_01 Strength ring
It_Ri_Jaeger_01 Ring of the hunters 1
It_Ri_Jaeger_02 Ring of the hunters 2
It_Ri_Jaeger_03 Ring of the hunters 3
It_Ri_Krieger_01 Ring of the Warrior 1
It_Ri_Krieger_02 Ring of the Warrior 2
It_Ri_Krieger_03 Ring of the Warrior 3
It_Ri_Magier_01 Ring of the Magier 1
It_Ri_Magier_02 Ring of the Magier 2
It_Ri_Magier_03 Ring of the Magier 3
It_Ri_Priester_01 Ring of the priests 1
It_Ri_Priester_02 Ring of the priests 2
It_Ri_Priester_03 Ring of the priests 3
It_Teleport_Ardea Teleport after Ardea
It_Teleport_Bakaresh Teleport after Bakaresh
It_Teleport_Beliar Teleport to the large Beliartempel in Bakaresh
It_Teleport_BenErai Teleport after Ben Erai
It_Teleport_BenSala Teleport after Ben Sala
It_Teleport_Braga Teleport after Braga
It_Teleport_Faring Teleport after Faring
It_Teleport_FireClan Teleport to the fire clan
It_Teleport_Geldern Teleport after funds
It_Teleport_Gotha Teleport after Gotha
It_Teleport_Hammerclan Teleport to the hammer clan
It_Teleport_Innos Teleport to the Innosschrein in the monastery
It_Teleport_Ishtar Teleport after Ishtar
It_Teleport_KapDun Teleport after cape Dun
It_Teleport_King Teleport directly to the throne hall of king Rhobar II.
It_Teleport_Lago Teleport after Lago
It_Teleport_LeaveVangard ?
It_Teleport_Monastery Teleport to the monastery
It_Teleport_Montera Teleport after Montera
It_Teleport_MoraSul Teleport after Mora Sul
It_Teleport_Nemora Teleport after Nemora
It_Teleport_Okara Teleport after Okara
It_Teleport_Reddock Teleport after talking dock
It_Teleport_Silden Teleport after Silden
It_Teleport_Trelis Teleport after Trelis
It_Teleport_VangardTempel Teleport to the temple of Vengard
It_Teleport_Wolfclan Teleport to the wolf clan
It_Teleport_Xardas Teleport to Xardas tower
It_Teleport_Zuben Teleport directly in Zubens palace
It_Potion Bottle
It_Potion_Alligator Conversion crocodile
It_Potion_Bison Conversion Bison
It_Potion_Bloodfly Conversion blood fly
It_Potion_Boar Conversion Keiler
It_Potion_CureDisease Healing weakness
It_Potion_CurePoison Cure Poison
It_Potion_Deadly Deadly poison
It_Potion_DEX Drink of the hunt
It_Potion_Empty Flchchen
It_Potion_Fire Liquid fire
It_Potion_Firewaran Conversion drink
It_Potion_Health Restore Health
It_Potion_HPMax Drink of the vitality
It_Potion_Lion Conversion lion
It_Potion_Lurker Conversion lurker
It_Potion_Mana Manatrank (Restore mana?)
It_Potion_MC Conversion Minecrawler
It_Potion_Meatbug Conversion meat bug
It_Potion_MPMax Drink of the concentration
It_Potion_Poison Poison
It_Potion_Rhino Conversion Nashorn
It_Potion_Sabertooth Conversion sword tooth
It_Potion_Scavenger Conversion Scavenger
It_Potion_Shadowbeast Conversion shade runner
It_Potion_Snapper Conversion Snapper
It_Potion_SPMax Drink of the perseverance
It_Potion_Stamina Restore Stamina
It_Potion_STR Drink of the strength
It_Potion_SwampLurker Conversion sump lurker
It_Potion_Swamplurker Conversion sump lurker
It_Potion_Waran Conversion Waran
It_Potion_Wolf Conversion wolf
It_Aldo_Schatulle Old casket
It_Ali_Artefact Ancestor stone
It_AlShedim_Deadkeeper_01 Urn of the dead guards
It_AlShedim_Healer_01 Jug that sound ones.
It_AlShedim_Warrior_01 Figure of the Krieger
It_Amul_Goldsack Amul bag
It_Ancestor_Stone_01 The ancestor stone of Akasha
It_Ancestor_Stone_03 The ancestor stone of Snorre
It_Ancestor_Stone_04 The ancestor stone of Baldar
It_Ancestor_Stone_05 The ancestor stone of Angir
It_Ancestor_Stone_06 The ancestor stone of Berek
It_Artefact_Abbas Cup of the water dealers
It_Artefact_Crown Adanos crown
It_Artefact_GeldernShadowBeastRuin Schattenzepter
It_Artefact_Helmet_Geldern Helmet of the first Paladins
It_Artefact_Robe Adanos' robe
It_Basir_GoldChest It belongs to Basir
It_Black_Stonepiece Black fragment
It_Chalice_Beliar Asams bowl
It_Chest_Good Casket
It_Chest_Normal Casket
It_Cup_Gold Gold cup
It_Cup_Gold_KapDun Golden cup
It_Cup_Gold_MoraSul Soul cup
It_Cup_Horn Drinking horn
It_Cup_Silver Silver cup
It_Cup_Silver_KapDun Silver cup
It_Ejnar_Helm Helmet
It_FiremageCup Fire cup
It_FiremageCup_Blessed Gesegneter fire cup
It_Fokus Focus stone
It_Gold &nbs
>>哥特王朝3 攻略秘籍专区