按F12 出现对话框输入
Item add 数字(2-74)
秘籍 | 作用 |
2 | 金子(Gold) |
3 | Stoneskin potion |
4 | 健身剂(Health potion) |
5 | 隐身戒指(Ring of invisibility) |
6 | 沃拉的戒指(Vola's ring) |
7 | 长剑(Sabre) |
8 | 生锈的钥匙(Rusty key) |
9 | 金钥匙(Gold key) |
10 | 银钥匙(Silver key) |
11 | 护身符(Amulet) |
12 | 灵魂宝石(Soul gem) |
13 | 灵魂之剑(Soul sword) |
14 | Crobar |
15 | 钉魔术(Peg rune) |
16 | 钉魔术2(Peg rune 2) |
17 | 钉魔术3(Peg rune 3) |
19 | 兽人的血(Orc's blood) |
20 | 带?的兽人血(Orc's blood with ?) |
21 | 蜘蛛奶(Spider's milk) |
22 | 带?的蜘蛛奶(Spider's milk with?) |
23 | 灵气(Ectoplasm) |
24 | 带?的灵气(Ectoplasm with ?) |
25 | 嘘汁(Hist sap) |
26 | 带?的嘘汁(Hist sap with ?) |
27 | 矮人的知识书(Dwarven lore book) |
28 | 矮人的齿轮(Dwarven gear) |
29 | 小玻璃瓶(Glass vial) |
30 | 装有药的玻璃瓶(Glass vial filled with elixer) |
31 | 铁块(Iron weight) |
32 | 桶(Bucket) |
33 | 装满水的桶(Bucket full of water) |
34 | 护手(Gauntlet rune) |
35 | Elven artifact |
37 | 红衣卫士的英雄书(Redguard heroes book) |
38 | 落锤英雄书(Hammerfell heroes book) |
39 | 来自玛基奥的地图(Map from Makio) |
40 | 装满金子的袋子(Leather pouch of gold) |
41 | 克任德尔的被偷走的地图(Crendel's stolen map) |
42 | 银船(Silver boat) |
43 | 铲子(Shovel) |
44 | 芦荟(Aloe) |
45 | 火把(Torch) |
46 | 单片眼镜(Monocle eyepiece) |
47 | 旗子(Flag) |
48 | 银项链盒(Silver locket) |
49 | 联盟勋章羊皮纸(League insignia parchment) |
50 | 约特的监狱地图(Joto's jail map) |
51 | Flask of lillandril |
52 | Hundings tailsman |
53 | 伊志萨拉报(Izsara's journal) |
54 | 羽毛(Feather) |
55 | 基思拉尔报死僧侣(Kithral's journal The dead monk) |
56 | 民族天书(Folks firmament book) |
57 | Izara's journal locked |
58 | 星石(Star stone) |
59 | 仓库钥匙(Key to Warehouse) |
60 | 伊志拉屋的钥匙(Key izara's house) |
61 | 符咒(Spell) |
64 | 空玻璃瓶(Glass bottle empty) |
65 | 盛水的玻璃瓶(Glass bottle with water) |
66 | 装水和芦荟油的玻璃瓶 (Glass bottle mixed with water and aloe) |
67 | 增强剂(Strength potion) |
68 | 绷带(Bandage) |
69 | 有血的绷带(Bandage with blood) |
70 | 长剑(Sabre) |
71 | 长剑(Sabre) |
72 | 长剑(Sabre) |
73 | 长剑(Sabre) |
74 | 骨钥匙(Bone key)。 |